The Theory of Gift Giving

There is a disconnect between “investment” and “impact” when it comes to employee attraction and retention. Employers must consider what brings the most value to their workforce and the Theory of Gift Giving can aid in evaluating programs that truly invest in employee wellbeing and growth.

Employees Feel Seen & Important

Whether it’s to support DE&I initiatives or spread access to high-quality care to employees and their loved ones, virtual care is a benefit that enforces an equitable workforce while making employees feel important. Plus, with custom, persona-based employee engagement campaigns, members recognize the true value of virtual care and how it can support their unique healthcare needs.

“The doctor is amazing! She listened to all my concerns and really made the process of a doctor’s visit actually really fun and easy. Normally doctor visits can cause me anxiety but not this time! 10/10!!! Love her!” - FSH Patient

High-Quality and High-Cost Item

When considering what to gift employees to truly invest in their growth, question whether a minor bump in salary vs. providing access to free doctors for urgent, preventive, chronic and mental health needs is more important. As 50% of Americans have skipped care due to cost, free healthcare is a valuable tool to support recruitment and retention tactics. As employees have access to care wherever and whenever they need it, it’s also a continuous gift.

"The doctor was very patient, did not rush, listened, and understood me. This is my third visit with her, and I am very comfortable in my decision to choose her as my primary care physician." - FSH Patient

Introduction to Something New

Virtual care is not new to the market, however, when combined with the above principles, can change the way people think about their health and improve their relationships with doctors.

"The doctor tested things no family doctor has and gave my results very professionally and insightfully. She was very detailed and paused for explanations. I'm looking forward to getting my health on track with her oversight." - FSH Patient

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