Take time for a time out.

September 27, 2024

First Stop Health Coaches

Living in a world of more projects and more activities should mean more productivity. But is that realistic? If you feel that you need more time in the day to finish all that you set out to do, then you’re not alone. No matter what you do, it’s vital to make time for yourself.

In a 2021 study on Workplace Stress and Productivity, researchers found that employees have more productivity when they have less stress. As stress increases, productivity and job satisfaction decreases. You must learn to find a middle ground. If you don’t find balance in your life, your brain isn’t far from following what your body feels. Stress has a huge influence on your body and mood. There are two types of stress:  acute stress and chronic stress.


Acute Stress

Acute stress is a short-term stress response to a specific event or situation. This type of stress helps you become more productive because it increases your adrenaline.

Some work-related examples may include scrambling at work to get all of your reports in by the end of the month. It might look like working a late night to finish paperwork that needs to be submitted within a short amount of time. In these situations, stress hormones are released into your system to allow energy to be used immediately to pull those all-nighters and early morning risers. Your brain and muscles become very active, and other functions in your body, such as hunger, stop. Have you ever found yourself skipping lunch or realizing that it’s already 3 pm and you forgot to stop working to eat? That’s your stress response.

Outside of work-related stress, there are many variations of stress responses, including from trauma, loss, bereavement and more. These types of stress are also normal. In fact, they can be good for you, but only in small amounts.



Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is when you become negatively affected by repeating an acute stress response. It is a stress that is long-term and can cause many problems. Chronic stress can occur when you continually have quick deadlines and feel that as soon as you finish one task, two more are put on your desk or land in your email. When this happens, your blood pressure increases and your heart begins to work harder. Hence why many people have heart attacks when they work too much, stress over bad news, or get too little sleep.

Chronic stress also weakens the immune system, increasing the likelihood of getting and staying sick. Chronic stress is especially concerning for the aging population. It can cause blood vessels to dilate and decrease immune response in an already higher risk age group. Author, Claude Bernard notes in the book An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine that, “the maintenance of our life is critical and dependent on keeping our internal milieu constant in the face of a changing environment.”



Improve your stress, improve your focus and productivity.

First, you must accept that you will always have stress in life. You not only have work responsibilities, but you have obligations to family, friends, and other social networks, including yourself. So how do you manage stress?

  • Change your attitude.
  • Create healthy coping habits.
  • Be grateful for all your blessings.
  • Love yourself.

Easier said than done. So here are a few actions that you can begin to practice that are scientifically proven to help release stress and increase productivity.




If you don’t know how to meditate, don’t worry, there are many free YouTube videos that show you how. Meditation allows your brain to relax and to regenerate new nerve cells. This is also a benefit as you age and struggle with memory issues.


Get some exercise.

You may feel you don’t have time to exercise with your already busy schedule. It’s important to find the easy hacks! For example, during your lunch hour, take a walk in your building, climb the stairs, or go for a quick walk outside, if the weather and environment permits. When you run an errand, park far from the entrance.

Exercise has been proven to help relax the body. One British study confirmed that short 10 to 40 minute sessions of exercise resulted in an improvement in mental concentration and focus. So don’t be afraid to take a 10-minute break and go for a walk. You may be amazed by how it makes you feel!


Organize yourself.

Being organized means you have a plan, even if things don’t go exactly to the plan. Getting organized can help you prioritize and strategize appropriate timeframes for certain tasks. Whatever you find easiest—try a physical daily planner or a virtual platform. Create small wins and measure your productivity by deleting or scratching out each task. Get creative by customizing your planner with colors and stickers. This allows you to be mindful and gives your brain a break from trying to remember all that you have to do.


Make time for yourself.

The common thread in all that you do is YOU. You make it happen. You make the company work or not work. If you’re broken, the company will suffer. Simply put, you’re important! If you’re healthy, you will do a good job. If you aren’t healthy, you cannot possibly show up at 100%. Take note of your values and what is important to you. If you need to take a mental health day or two, then do it.

There’s no one-size-fits-all hack when it comes to managing and overcoming stress. However, as the research points out, there are innumerable signs and symptoms that can help you identify and pivot to control the stress before it controls you.




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Originally published Sep 27, 2024 12:24:25 PM.